Old photos

Anna Covert And Pitt Jr
or Dean in Cheyenne, WY - File 2001
Photographer J. E. Stimson, Cheyenne, Wyo
Anna - Findagrave #29164970
Pitt Jr - Findagrave #117372850
5.5x6.5 inches

Taken in Everett, WA - File 2002
Photographer - Kirk's Studio, Everett, WA
Nothing on back
4.25x6 inches

File 2003
4x6.5 inches

Winfield Langlie 4yrs 04281907
Photographer - T L Bersagel, Lanesboro, Minn
- File 2004
Brother to Governor Arthur B Langlie b. 7/25/1900 Lanesboro, Minn
d. 7/24/1966 Seattle, WA
Joseph Winfield Langlie b. 4/28/1903 d 3/24/1978
Findagrave 121280157
5x8.5 inches

Myrtle and Clara
Postcard, Seattle, WA - File 2005
3.5x5.5 inches
Shimmie And Heinnie - File 2006
3.5x5.5 inches

Annabelle Noble - File 2007
4.75x6 inches

Hannah Olson Minneapolis, Minn. - File 2009
Photographer - Miller, 415, 417, 419 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, Minn
4x6.5 inches

Joe Sprintels Age 22yrs Taken March 1949
File 2014
2.5x3.5 inches

Leonhard Mann Dec 1905 Mannheim Stuttart - File 2015
Findagrave #16808185?
4x2.5 inches

CT Sprague Born 09241862 Pic Taken 05201941 - File 2017
3x4.75 inches

Rhoda Heusel Deseased Winona Minn.
File 2019, Two original copies
Photographer - Bauer, Winona, Minn
6x9 inches

Mrs Fannie Peery Denison, Texas 1886
Photographer - Beebe, 436 Arapahoe near 17th, Denver
File 2020
4x6.5 inches

Miss Lida Lowe Florence, Oregon
File 2021
4x6.5 inches

Charles Quin Kates Husband SanFrancisco
File 2022
Photographer - Dames & Butler, 715 Market St, SF, Cal
4.25x6.5 inches

Edd Abbott - File 2023
2.5x4 inches |

Charlotte Wheeler Jellison Born 1843 Wilmington NJ
File 2024
2.5x4 inches

Kathern Reese Niles, Mich.
File 2025
Photographer - Jas A Grimes, Artist, Niles, Mich
2.5x4 inches

TP Abbott
File 2026
2.5x4 inches

Front - Files 2027
3.75x5.5 inches

Mrs Sarah Hill taken in the garden - File 2028
Photographer - Chas G Rotsler
5x6 inches

Mary Allen Turner
File 2029
Grandma's Mom
4.75x7 inches

Sights Of London Card Broadcasting House - File 2055
2x3 inches

File 2072
2.75x4.5 inches

Charlet Edward Age 16
File 2091
5.5x6.5 inches

1934 Class
Front - File 2096
No school information
See names to the right as best we could transcribe
Please contact us with corrections
6x8 inches
Legible names (but double check): First/Back Row: Albert Smithe, Jack Doby, Henry Hooper, Arthur Murdock, Jimmie Hamilton, Robert Petried, Billie Chetley, Betty Barfow, Francie Bliss, Kathline Lewis, Thelma Jellison, Babe (?) Bush, Jennie Black, Miss Muller Second row from back: Miles Nessinger, Perrcy Darrow, Glen Knapp, Ernst Thorson, Billie Jarmin, Clifford Zuger, Dorothy Santore, Margaret Bliss, Betty Dwero (?), Bertha Darrow, Patricia Cone, Ellen M?, Ofile G. Third Row from back: Colleen Chaybell, Betty Smith, Lorraine Banek, Deanie Reddick, Dorothy Fredericko, Phyllis Locker, Florence Stricky Fourth Row from back: Cecil Nessing, Aron Strandbe, Eugene Mortorno, Ernst T., Wesley Marterje, Edward Ray, Donald Batcher. Edwin Stu?, ?, David Roberts, Leroy ? |

Thelma And Bradley Harold's Children Pullman, WA. - File 2099
Photographer - C E Graves, Pullman, WA
Nothing on back
4x6 inches

Kestner Milt Seaman Bernice's Mother Front
Removed from Frame, File 2107
E Rock Grove ST
Nora Springs, Iowa (Home)
Mrs Milt Seamon, Bernice's Mom
Eyes Blue, Hair Dark Gold, Comp Fair, Dress White
Doll's hair white, Dress Tan
Photo 4.25x6 inches